Resin Incense Shanti - Peaceful Home - 1.2Oz Bag

SKU: PRG-214-16

In Stock

PRICE: US$ 3.61

Aroma: Sweet vanilla

Resin incense is the original incense used throughout the ages and is mentioned in the world’s earliest writings such as the Vedas, the Bible, and the New Testament. Being a highly regarded commodity, it was used by the priests in worship and sacrificial ceremonies, and by the opulent and royal class for pleasure enhancement.

Among its many uses today are perfumery, healing, medicine, environmental purification, and heightening spiritual awareness.

These plant resins are the dried sap of trees and shrubs that contain the essence of the tree’s spirit and energy. Their burn is pure and non-toxic, consisting of sweet, rich, earthy, and woody aromas.

Prabhuji’s unique herbal blends are formulated in accordance with shamanic wisdom to carry positive energy of good intentions and blessings. Blended and packed in our New York, U.S.A facility, we can assure our customers with a genuine product.

It is recommended to burn resin incense for blessings and environmental purification 1-3 times a week and on special occasions, as desired, by first smudging (smoke-bathing) the space with a bitter scent such as white sage to cleanse the atmosphere from any kind of energy, followed by burning a sweet fragrance of resin incense, for attraction of positive and favorable vibes.

Directions for burning resin incense:

- Fireproof incense burner (censer) or bowl made of metal, ceramic, or stone
- Charcoal tablets
- Charcoal tongs
- Lighter or matches
- Resin incense

  1. Take one charcoal tablet. Light the edge of the charcoal tablet until it starts to spark, and place it in the fireproof bowl. Let it spark for 10-30 seconds.

  2. Place a small amount of resin blend on top of the charcoal. (1/2 teaspoon would produce a considerable amount of smoke)

  3. Place the bowl in a safe, stable area, far from the reach of children, pets, and away from flammable objects.

Most burners get hot while burning charcoal. Place the burner on a surface with high heat tolerance or use a heat-insulating barrier, such as a hot pad or coaster, and avoid direct handling.

Warning:Fire hazard - do not dispose of used charcoal into the environment or a trash receptacle shortly after burning. Submerge charcoal in water prior to disposal. NOT TO BE INGESTED

Certified Vegan

Ingredients: Frankincense, Copal, Myrrh, Amber, Sandalwood, Sugar, Cinnamon, Lavender, Orange Peel, Rosemary, Rose Petals, Bay Leaves, Clove, Vanilla scented Oil, Earth Pigment